Friday, November 03, 2006

An evening at home ain't so bad!

A quiet evening at home, cooking your favourite food and listening to music, especially with someone who appreciates it as much as you do, ain't so bad after all! Er... in fact, its quite refreshing!

Mother nature played a dirty trick on us last evening - just when we were done making plans about where to go for the (self) promised dinner, it rained... And how! Neither of us wanted to go out into the wet night, so home it was for us... With my hopes for a delicious dinner dashed to smithereens, I sulked for a while, while lounging in the bean bag. Then decided to play some music... Ahh... the luxury of listening to beautiful music while curled up in a comfortable bean bag is unparalleled! Needless to say, my mood improved pretty fast (somehow these disappointments never show on sis!) and we decided to cook pasta (yes, cook, not boil the instant pasta, but cook!)... which, by the way, turned out delicious! In retrospect, I'm glad it rained and we didn't go out ( and also because a friend promised to buy me dinner some place nice tonight, just because I cribbed so much yesterday! Ha ha ha!)

Home's 'some place nice' to have a delicious dinner, you know!


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